It is a selfadministered questionnaire consisting of 24 items divided into 3 subscales. Even with entering a scale factor, check it after to be sure it is correct. Womac also has the additional advantage of being validated for use in multiple formats. In sections a, b, and c, questions will be asked about your hip or knee pain.
It is one of the most widely used instruments in patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis and has proven psychometric properties. Indicate where your pain is located and what type of pain you feel at the present time. Comparison of measurement properties of the p4 pain scale and. Womac western ontario and mcmaster universities arthritis. Likert scale 0 to 4 or a 100 mm visual analogue scale vas9 ranging from 0 no pain to 100 extreme pain. In 74% of trials the reporting of the scale used was inadequate. To evaluate the acceptability, reliability, validity and responsiveness of the turkish version of western ontario and mcmaster universities womac osteoarthritis oa index in physiotherapy outpatient practice in turkey. Correlation between womac score and hyalrunoic acid levels in. Translation, adaptation and validation of the western. Request further information please complete the following form to request further information. An urban planner needs your help in creating a scale drawing. Psychosocial and geriatric correlates of functional status. Roos em, roos hp, lohmander ls, ekdahl c, beynnon bd. Apr 11, 2016 depending on the specific content of the pdf i.
The pdf file you selected should load here if your web browser has a pdf reader plugin installed for example, a recent version of adobe acrobat reader. Download pdf, 48kb the auscan index is a diseasespecific, tridimensional selfadministered questionnaire, for assessing health status and health outcomes in. Other assessments of oa pain, such as womac function subscale, total womac. I have been asked to analyse a clinical trial which has the womac score as a secondary outcome.
Reporting of the exact method used in administering the womac pain subscale scoring was poor in many cases. To get a drawing from a pdf file to paper, you have to use acrobat, adobe reader or some other pdf viewer to view and print it. Knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score koosdevelopment of a selfadministered outcome measure. Womac index was developed for hip and knee osteoarthritis, however it has been used with other rheumatic conditions such as. Some differential item functioning was observed, but this cancelled out at the test level and, by doing so, at the same time removed the disturbance of unidimensionality. The proportion of trials, for which assumptions had to be made in order to reach a conclusion regarding the type of scale and the score range used, was calculated. Clip art by almoond 1 37 healthy word scale wellness health care lose weight drawing by iqoncept 10 72 weight loss scale stick figure man green starburst sticker drawing by cteconsulting 0 0 health, fitness and diet icons stock illustration by soleilc 7 692 vector black diet icons set stock illustration by skarin 2 86 diet, fitness. The womac has also been used to assess back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile. Western ontario and mcmaster universities osteooarthritis. The womac index is a diseasespecific, tridimensional self administered questionnaire, for assessing health status and health outcomes in osteoarthritis of the knee andor hip. As a class, you will create enlargements of this house using several different scales. Moderate standardized effect size for womac total scale from baseline to 12 weeks 0. Pdf for the purposes of metaanalysis and network metaanalysis, the use of standard. Research open access modelling the relationship between.
The instrument is available in 5point likert, 100mm visual analogue scale vas and 11box numerical rating scale formats by submitting a request to. Calculate area dimensions, measure distances between lines or trace perimeter in drawings. Womacpain items loaded on the same factors as womacfunction items supporting previous work7, 10. The womac questionnaire has been shortened recently 11,1921. Additionally, a reduced sevenpoint womac scale has also been validated. Total and subscale icoap scores are significantly correlated with scores on the western ontario and mcmaster universities osteoarthritis index womac pain scale, the knee injury and oa outcome score koos symptoms scale, and self. It can be administered in person, via computer, by telephone interview, and can even be delivered to mobile devices m womac 2. Summary of basic reporting of womac pain sub scale and womac index. The following questions concern the amount of pain you are currently experiencing in your knees. In a small number of cases the score range specified was not interpretable. Autocad 2017 can insert and convert vectorized pdf to dwg objectss. All authors were involved in drafting the article or revising.
You may need to zoom in to at least 50% size to read the scale for the part of the drawing you wish to measure. Data were obtained from 72 patients with oa of the knee. Apr 30, 2010 the womac pain and physical functioning subscales satisfied unidimensionality and ordinal scaling tests, and the ability to transform to an interval scale. The womac index is a diseasespecific, tridimensional selfadministered questionnaire, for assessing health status and health outcomes in osteoarthritis of the knee andor hip. One hundred and twentythree patients with knee osteoarthritis mean age 69. Womac pain questions activities in order of affirmation as the pain score increased from 0. Activity limitation and participation restriction outcome measures may include the womac physical function subscale, the hip disability and osteoarthritis outcome score hoos, lower extremity functional scale lefs, and harris hip score hhs. Pdf validation of the shortform womac function scale for. Western ontario and mcmaster universities osteoarthritis.
Label the new drawings with your group letter and the scale used. The womac pain scale consists of five items conceived to assess a single health concept and a total score is obtained by summing the item responses. Validation of a numerical rating scale to assess functional impairment in hip and knee osteoarthritis. Change the scale of measurement to match your documents specification. In 21 of 60 trials, deciding whether a likert scale or vas was used had to be deduced from other information given in the paperusually the score range or the actual baseline or followup data. Summary of clinical outcome measures for sportsrelated. Translation, adaptation and validation of the western ontario. The use and reporting of womac for the assessment of. We aimed to explore the internal validity and responsiveness of this vas version of the womac. An extensive reliability study was carried out to assess womacs internal consistency and repeatability. Apr 30, 2010 the western ontario and mcmaster universities osteoarthritis index womac has been a widely used patient reported outcome in oa. Validation of a proposed womac short form for patients with hip. Validity, reliability, and comparison of the womac.
Jan 23, 2012 the aims of the present study were first to detect mcid for womac in a moroccan population, and second, to identify the best pretreatment predictors on the change of health after treatment by nonspecific, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs nsaids, and to evaluate whether the predictors were dependent on the choice of the response criterion. Western ontario and mcmaster universities osteooarthritis index. The womac index was translated by the forward and backward translation procedure following recommended guidelines1618. The womac scale has demonstrated good psychometric properties of. How to solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, compute actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproduce a scale drawing at a different scale, examples and step by step solutions, common core grade 7, 7. Acceptability, reliability, validity and responsiveness of. The womac pain and physical functioning subscales satisfied. Please rate the activities in each category according to the following scale of difficulty. Summary of basic reporting of womac pain subscale and womac index. Measuring scaled pdf images of plans and drawings note that the drawing images must have been enabled to be measured. Standardized response mean for womac total scale at 12 weeks 7.
Scale drawings grade 7 solutions, worksheets, examples. Clinicians and researchers interested in obtaining a copy of the instrument and user guide should visit the womac website for information about licensing and. The womac pain and physical functioning subscales satisfied unidimensionality and ordinal scaling tests, and the ability to transform to an interval scale. Bellamy n, buchanan ww, goldsmith ch, campbell j, stitt lw.
Many of the a0 drawings on our website have different objects at different scales so. The western ontario and mcmaster universities arthritis index womac is widely used in the evaluation of hip and knee osteoarthritis. For each situation, please enter the amount of pain you have experienced in the past 48 hours. Pdftron is a software development kit sdk that can be used to rapidly embed pdf functionality into any application or workflow. Toward a clinical definition of early osteoarthritis. Summary of clinical outcome measures for sportsrelated knee.
Research open access modelling the relationship between the. The transition scale assessed the selfperceived change at the 6week follow up compared to baseline. An extensive reliability study was carried out to assess womacs internal consistency and repeatability 8. Lets use our knowledge about scale factor, length, and area to assist. Hip disability and osteoarthritis outcome score womac. Pain was measured using a variety of scales, with womac pain scores.
Pain 020 pts, stiffness 08 pts, function 068 pts vas scale. Upload your pdf, cad or image file to start measuring. Pdf womacpf as a measure of physical function in patients with. The tools are only available when viewing through adobe, not through the browser viewer. The womac takes approximately 12 minutes to complete, and can be taken on paper, over the telephone or. The ransford pain drawing must be done on a specific body chart with four symptoms described above, namely stabbing, burning, pins and needles, and numbness. We restricted our analysis to the womac function subscale and transformed womac function scores to a 0100 scale. Demonstrates hypothesized relationships to other similar measures and to. If you trace it carefully, youll be able to extrude the floor plan into a 3d model of the structure. These details will be sent to dr bellamy who will respond to your request in due course. Forward translation was carried out by six professional bilingual translators native arabspeaking people. The layout pdf exporter has no scaling options and it always exports full pages to full scale. I have been told by the researcher that this is a well used score for use in arthritis studies. Index womac pain subscale score at screening on a 0100 mm vas scale.
All authors were involved in drafting the article or revising it critically for. Pdf to assess psychometric properties of the western ontario and macmasters. Comparison of measurement properties of the p4 pain scale. Usually the word scale is used for an instrument used for drawing straight lines.
Pain scored 0 to 20, stiffness scored 0 to8, and function scored 0 to 68. Intraclass correlation coefficients for the womac pain, stiffness, and physical function. Textbook for vocational training engineering drawing metal. Pdf validation of the shortform womac function scale. Validation of the chinese western ontario and mcmaster. If the size of car in the model is 8 in, then find the actual length of the car. Pdf many people suffer with osteoarthritis oa and subsequent morbidity.
It can be administered in person, via computer, by telephone interview, and can even be delivered to mobile devices mwomac 2. May 29, 2014 this observational study aimed to examine the clinimetric properties of the greek for greece translation of the western ontario and mcmaster osteoarthritis index womac. Pain 0500 pts, stiffness 0200 pts, function 0 1700 pts composite scores can be converted to 0100 scale 0 best recall period. For pain intensity, the scale is most commonly anchored by no pain score of 0 and pain as bad as it could be or worst imaginable pain score.
Mcmaster osteoarthritis index womac please circle the. This approach would be reasonable provided the results from a factor analysis produced a single factor and the set of items displayed a high degree of internal consistency. Sep 01, 2009 the womac has been translated into 80 languages and the australian version 3. Clinically important improvement in the womac and predictor. The cronbachs alphas of the womac and lequesne subscales were ranged 0. However, there is relatively little evidence to support the use of the visual analogue scale vas version of the scale. The abc scale is a selfreport measure of balance confidence in performing various activities without losing balance or experiencing a sense of unsteadiness. Layout pdf export is resizing drawing and changing scale. The western ontario and mcmaster universities osteoarthritis index womac has been a widely used patient reported outcome in oa. The western ontario and mcmaster universities osteoarthritis index womac is a widely used, proprietary set of standardized questionnaires used by health professionals to evaluate the condition of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and hip, including pain, stiffness, and physical functioning of the joints. Patientspecific functional scale the psfs is a questionnaire aimed at recording patients perceptions of their disabilities. If you are unsure about how to answer a question, please give the best answer you can.
Exploring differential item functioning in the womac. The instrument is available in 5point likert, 100mm visual analogue scale vas and 11box numerical rating scale formats by submitting a request to it is one of the most widely used instruments in patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis and has proven psychometric properties. The instructions are at the top of the chart and read as follows. The number of different score ranges was high and only 39% of trials used the standard 096, or 02400 or 0240 ranges. The p4 pain scale was developed for use in the patients with musculoskeletal conditions making it a generic pain measure, 14. Clinimetric properties of womac index in greek knee. The diseasespecific questionnaire, western ontario and mcmaster. Pdf validation of a numerical rating scale to assess. Factorial structure of p4 and icoap were separate from womacfunction items. The total womac score at the 6week followup minus the score at baseline examination prior to the treatment defined the effect measured by womac. Modelling the relationship between the womac osteoarthritis.
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